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Owner:State Statistical Bureau P.R.C Competitor Website - 中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局 - 中国人民银行 - 无标题文档 - 中华人民共和国国家体育总局 - Untitled Document is an official statistics website operated by the Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China. This site publishes official statistical data, analysis, reports and other related information collected and compiled by the Chinese government across the country. provides statistical data on various topics such as economy, demography, social development, environment, agriculture, industry, trade, education, health and transportation in China. These data are used in the policy-making, planning and decision-making processes of the government and relevant institutions. The main goals of the site include: 1. Publication of Statistical Data: shares statistical data in China with the public. These data include economic and social indicators such as economic growth, unemployment rate, inflation, income distribution and population structure. 2. Analysis and Reporting: The site provides analysis and reporting of statistical data, highlighting economic and social trends, structural changes and important developments. These analyzes are used by government and business in strategic planning and policy decisions. 3. Statistics Methodology and Standards: describes the methodologies and standards used for the collection, compilation and analysis of statistics. This is important to ensure reliability, comparability and accuracy of data. 4. Statistical Tools and Resources: The site provides resources, databases, tools and methodologies for statistical studies. This allows researchers, students and other interested individuals to access relevant resources to conduct statistical analysis or support various research. plays an important role in determining and implementing the Chinese government's policies. Statistical data and analysis help inform decision-making processes regarding economic and social development, while also informing the public and promoting transparency.

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