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R Project for Statistical Computing

Owner:OmegaProjectfor Statistical Computing Competitor Website - Python - The MathWorks - SAS Institute - GNU Project and Free Software Foundation - SPSS Inc. - Gnuplot Central - Bionconductor is the official website of the R Programming Language and Environment. R is a programming language and environment used for statistical computing and data analysis. Since R is open source software, it can be developed by users and downloaded for free. is a platform where users of this software can access the resources available, obtain up-to-date information about R, and interact with the community. offers resources to help users easily learn the R Programming Language. The site offers a wide range of content, starting from the basics of the R language to advanced topics. Users can access a variety of educational materials, books, articles and video lessons. They can also interact with other users in the R community, ask questions and share their experiences. also provides up-to-date information about the rapidly evolving ecosystem of the R Programming Language. Users can learn about R packages, visualization tools, data manipulation techniques, and other R-related technological advances. The site offers resources to help R users keep up with the latest innovations and use the R language efficiently. The target audience of includes everyone who wants to learn, use or develop the R Programming Language. This site appeals to a wide range of users, from professionals to students in statistics, data science, machine learning, finance, bioinformatics, and other fields. Additionally, experienced users in the R community also use this site for knowledge sharing and community events. is a website designed to meet the needs of everyone interested in the R Programming Language, with its user-friendly interface and rich content. Here, users can access all kinds of information about the R Programming Language, interact with the community, and enjoy the opportunities R offers.

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