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Научная электронная библиотека Competitor Website - ScienceDirect - Библиотека Максима Мошкова - Russian State Library - Российская библиотечная ассоциация - Государственная публичная научно-т is an online library operating in Russia. This platform provides access to a variety of academic, scientific and educational resources. has numerous articles, books, theses, magazines and similar publications on a wide range of topics. provides a highly valuable resource for researchers, students and academics. Users can use the library's search feature to find content by subject or author's name. Additionally, the site offers users the opportunity to create their own personal libraries and add resources to favorites. The resources offered by include scientific articles, conference proceedings, books, theses, journals and patents. These resources cover a wide range of subjects, such as science, engineering, medicine, social sciences and more. Users can use these resources as a reference while doing research, supporting their academic studies or expanding their knowledge. has a user-friendly interface and allows users to easily find resources. Additionally, users can obtain more specific results by using search results filtering and sorting options. Among the benefits of 1. Wide range of resources: brings together thousands of resources on various topics. 2. Academic resources: It offers a rich resource for academics, students and researchers who want to support their studies or conduct research. 3. User-friendly interface: The site has a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily search and access resources. 4. Personal library: Users can create their own personal library and save favorite resources. is an effective platform that provides great support to users in Russia in scientific research and access to information.

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