SAPhil Announces 2024/25 Season!

The SA Philharmonic is excited to announce its third season, the first with renowned music director, Jeffrey Kahane! 

Image of the Majestic Theatre with the words San Antonio Philharmonic Jeffrey Kahane Music Director 2024-25 Season First Baptist Church of San Antonio and Majestic
2022-24 Nuestro Impacto en la Comunidad

47,000+ Students Attended Youth Concerts

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The San Antonio Philharmonic is engaging and inspiring the younger generation by building on the love and appreciation of music. Nearly 200 schools from all over the area have sent students to our concerts.

Live music, Classics performances, symphony, philharmonic, orchestra, San Antonio, San Antonio Philharmonic.

SA Phil in the News

From San Antonio Report - Photo by Scott Ball - After a successful inaugural season, the San Antonio Philharmonic orchestra begins its second season Sept. 22 with its first executive director, Roberto Treviño, in place. Hired in June, the architect…

From San Antonio Magazine - Photo by Chris Stokes - As it opens its second season, the San Antonio Philharmonic hopes to carve a permanent place in the city’s cultural landscape. Before Randy and Pauline Glickman agreed to move to…

From News4A - The San Antonio Symphony was disbanded two years ago, but those determined to keep world-class music in our city came together to form the San Antonio Philharmonic (SA Phil). Read more here.

From San Antonio Express News - The San Antonio Philharmonic, which rose out of the demise of the San Antonio Symphony in 2022, has landed a new base of operations in what many might consider an unexpected place. It’s just over…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 26, 2023 The board of directors of the San Antonio Philharmonic has taken the landmark step of naming an executive director. Its choice, Roberto Treviño, is an architect in private practice and former three-term District 1…

From San Antonio Report-  The musicians of the San Antonio Philharmonic have reached their first collective bargaining agreement with the American Federation of Musicians (AFM) union Local 23.  Texas Observer reporter Gus Bova tweeted about the agreement on Tuesday, and the musicians’ ratification was later confirmed…

Our next 6 events


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When you make a gift, you join a circle of supporters of the SA Phil who will enjoy unique connections to the orchestra and their work all throughout this exciting season. Thank you for your support of the San Antonio Philharmonic and playing your part to bring symphonic music to the entire San Antonio community!

Fomentando la Cultura de San Antonio

Partner in Our Success

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Together, we have an opportunity to give a new, more inclusive future to San Antonio’s musical capstone.

With shared ideas and resources, San Antonio can build a world-class orchestra that not only reflects and celebrates our shared history, diversity and culture, but changes lives.

Please partner with us in this worthy endeavor.

Live music, Classics performances, symphony, philharmonic, orchestra, San Antonio, San Antonio Symphony, San Antonio Philharmonic, Christopher Wilkins
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2023-24 Season

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