Knowledge for a sustainable world

The Natural Resources Institute (NRI) is a specialist research, development and education organisation of the University of Greenwich, UK, with a focus on food, agriculture, environment, and sustainable livelihoods.

Personal agency is a critical lever for interventions to improve women’s nutrition

Women's vulnerability to food insecurity and malnutrition Despite increased attention and strides in global nutrition efforts, women remain disproportionately vulnerable to food insecurity and malnutrition compared to men. This disparity stems from...

World Bee Day: How We Are Helping Protect The World's Pollinators

Bees, butterflies, bats, moths, wasps and other pollinators are essential to our existence. Without their services, much of our food supply, agricultural economies and biodiversity would collapse. Despite their vital roles, many pollinator species...

Exploring transformative change for biodiversity and equity

Growing demand for food, fuel and fibre has expanded global commodity trade and large-scale land acquisitions in the Global South. This has resulted in significant land use changes, creating biodiversity losses and social impacts, leading to a...

Reflections on gender transformative change in northern Kenya’s camel milk trade

To achieve gender transformative change, we need to carefully examine the underlying causes of gender inequality. This means challenging existing socio-economic structures and cultural institutions that often reinforce gender inequality. Urgent and...

How we are contributing to the fight against malaria

Malaria remains an enduring threat to millions of people with a death toll of 608,000 across 85 countries in 2022 alone. Today, NRI joins the global community to commemorate World Malaria Day, an occasion to highlight achievements and the need for...

Depleted by debt: exploring climate resilience, credit, and malnutrition through a gen-dered lens in Cambodia

Several tools have been proposed to facilitate the adaptation processes necessary for achieving climate resilience in response to new climate and environmental challenges [1]Some of these are embedded in financial inclusion products like...

Agronomist turned food safety expert making a key staple safe for all

Jacinta Nyaika is a third year PhD student in the Food and Markets Department at NRI. She took five minutes out her day to talk to us about her research on an important food security crop, life at NRI and her future plans. 

FaNSI 2024: Charting the way forward for food and nutrition security

NRI successfully hosted the International Conference on Food and Nutrition Security in Africa from 20-21 February 2024 at the University of Greenwich campus in London. Organised as part of NRI’s Food and Nutrition Security Initiative (FaNSI), the...

How to tackle deforestation in global supply chains

Tropical forests are vanishing as they are converted to agricultural land to meet the demands of distant markets. The global trade of tropical commodities has raised concerns about deforestation, prompting high-income countries to explore...
Addressing Global Challenges

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