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We are Ireland's largest database of courses, evening classes and part-time courses. We list thousands of courses run by hundreds of course providers nationwide. Search for a course near you today!

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We list thousands of part-time morning, evening and weekend courses of all descriptions. From business to fitness, IT to journalism and crafts to construction, we list them all on Nightcourses.com

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Featured College

Dublin Business School (DBS)

  Dublin, Ireland
Dublin Business School (DBS) offers a wide range of courses, evening classes, undergraduate, postgraduate and professional degree and masters courses in Dublin. Dublin Business School (DBS) incorporating Portobello College is the largest independent college in Ireland. With over 9,000 students, Dubl...

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Lifelong Learning: Explore Your Creative Side

Lifelong learning is a journey that extends beyond formal education, encouraging individuals to continuously seek knowledge and skills throughout their […]

Posted in: Law

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) refers to a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use […]

Micro Affirmations

In a world where big displays often catch the eye it’s easy to overlook the importance of gestures. Little acts […]

Posted in: Music

Start Your Musical Journey: Take a Music Course Now!

Have you always dreamed of learning to play an instrument or mastering the art of music composition? Look no further […]

Posted in: Social Care Work

Studying Youth Work and Social Care

Studying Youth Work and Social Care can be a rewarding and impactful educational journey, equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, […]

Unlocking Mental Wellness: Key Therapeutic Concepts

In the realm of mental health, a multitude of therapeutic concepts form the cornerstone of healing and well-being. These concepts, […]

Posted in: Environment

Climate Migration in the Pre-Modern World

As we grapple with the escalating challenges posed by climate change in the modern era, it is imperative to recognize […]

Insights into Ireland’s Further Education Landscape: Graduation Outcomes

Ireland’s commitment to fostering a skilled and educated workforce remains steadfast, as evidenced by the latest statistics released by the […]

Posted in: Education

Celebrating International Women’s Day: The Power of Education in Empowering Women

All of us here at Nightcourses.com would like to celebrate the remarkable achievements and contributions of women everywhere. On this […]

Posted in: Healthcare

The 10 Most In-Demand Skills In 2024: Clinical Healthcare Skills

The 10 Most In-Demand Skills In 2024: Clinical Healthcare Skills: In this series of articles, we’re taking a deep dive […]