  1. 1
    Виды щебня admin
    Хотите создать идеальное покрытие для вашего участка или дорожного покрытия? Тогда щебень фракции 40 70 идеально подойдет для вас! Наш высококачественный щебень обеспечит прочность, долговечность и надежность вашего покрытия. Благодаря правильной фракции 40 70 мм, он обладает отличной укладываемостью и прекрасно дренирует воду, что делает его идеальным выбором для любых работ - щебень 40 70.
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    do i have to told my wife to wear modest clothes even if shes christian? islam
    if my wife is muslim then obviously we should encourage her to dress the way Allah wanted, but if my wife is a christian, does that rule apply?
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    Геодезическое оборудование admin
    Лазерный уровень, или нивелир, — это инструмент, предназначенный в первую очередь для выравнивания объектов относительно горизонтальных, вертикальных и наклонных плоскостей.)- цифровой нивелир.
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    Playing instrumental music in background while praying islam salat
    I played very low volume nstrumental music in background while I was praying namaz. I did this to focus and the volume was very very low. Did it effect my prayer?
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    Doll dramas Haram or Halal media islam
    Assalamu alaikkum,I’m planning to start a youtube channel for kids.its solely meant for entertainment as well as teaching religious values.According to Islam animation and drawing living creatures are haram and I’m very cautious about haram and halal. So I have idea of using dolls instead as like giving back voices to them and without music.I’m very confused about using dolls Because some says dolls depicting human creatures are also haram as well as buying them Now I really dont know what to
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    Виды щебня admin
    Бутовый камень – популярный в строительстве и отделке натуральный материал в виде кусков и обломков отдельных горных пород осадочного типа. Добывают его в карьерах при разработке месторождений песчаника, гранита, известняка и других пород. Особый материал повсеместно используется для возведения фундаментов, ограждений, инженерных сооружений, в декорировании строений и ландшафтном дизайне - бщебень в Ростове на Дону с доставкой.
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    Is masturbation haram islam
    Many scholars say it is haram and say that the evidence is from Surah almuminun aya 5 please I want to know if it is Haram
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    Строительство домов admin
    Наша компания - это ключ к вашему идеальному жилищу! Наша команда экспертов поможет вам в каждом этапе строительства - от разработки проекта до сдачи дома в эксплуатацию. Мы берем на себя все хлопоты, чтобы вы могли наслаждаться процессом создания своего дома - проекты одноэтажных домов.
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    Recruiting in care home niche secular
    Assalam Aleykum, I want to start a business as a recruiter in the healthcare sector. To be more specific: in care home. That means I recruit employees for other companies in the care home niche. These employees, mostly women, could go to various elderly people’s houses to look after them. Various things could happen that are haram. For example if a woman washes the private part of an elderly man without gloves. My question: If the woman employees touch the private part of a man, do I also get a
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    [URGENT] which one is likely? islam
    lets say a guy named Jonathan (a made up name) is a born muslim in a secular muslim country, but not very religious at all, and he never learned quran or islam on his own except what was taught by his parents and school, so in his adult years he does not have firm grasp of islam and not religious, lets say he lives a live thats full of sleeping with women from night clubs regularly and knows no boundaries in dating, and basically lives a totally haram lifestyle, he cheats on his girlfriends by
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    Can I find here attractive man? admin
    Slightly off topic :) It so happened that my sister found an interesting man here, and recently got married ^_^ (Moderator, don’t troll!!!) Is there are handsome people here! ;) I’m Maria, 28 years old. I work as a model, successfull - I hope you do too! Although, if you are very good in bed, then you are out of the queue!))) By the way, there was no sex for a long time, it is very difficult to find a decent one… And no! I am not a prostitute! I prefer harmonious, warm and reliable
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    Islam dream meaning? islam
    Assalumallaikum, i had a dream about something that i dont know What means. It was that my sister who is a muslim died before praying 5 times a day. Not gonna judge But she doesnt in real life and i dreamwd about that she died. And i know that people that doesnt pray 5 times a day Will take there punishment in hellifire. So thows someone know the meaning of this dream?
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    What should I do to regain Allah’s connection and trust family islam non_muslim
    Assalamualaikum all , recently I feel I have lost the connection I have with Allah, it might seem silly but I am just a 15 year old girl who always used turn to Allah for every single problem.Allah was my comfort place. Allhamdulliah I really loved seeking Islamic knowledge and was proud of it.when I was little I often used to boast around of my Islamic knowledge but Let’s say Allah guided me to do better . At one point of my life my belief was very strong ,even started practicing sunnah never
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    Humbistar media family
    Humbistar karne ke liye Miya biwi vedio dekhana ya kisi dusro ky bare mai soch ke humbistar karna kaisa hai Ky sochna galt hai. Ya nahi
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    Bad words for Allah and his prophet pbuh in my mind islam
    Bad words for Allah and his prophet pbuh always come to my mind and everytime during Salah and work and many more times. I don’t know what should I do. I repent everytime to Allah swt but still these bad words does not go from my mind. I am very fearful from Allah swt. This was started during this ramdan when I stand for fajr prayer. And it’s almost more than 1 month. I am feeling so depressed bcoz of these bad words. Plz help me
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    family family
    my husband wants to performe nude sex with but i dont like that much so i deny so for that he is always angry with me but i thought that he in order to fullfill his desire would surely make physical contact but chose zina and later repented to allah and now he fasts every day to overcome the desire and it been 1 year for me to be in virgin and his fasting and being way from me what to do
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    can someone FORCE others against their will to do good? islam
    Out of fear of punishment from Allah that the husband will be responsible for his wife, can a husband FORCE hijab on his wife against her will even though she’s someone who’s not religious and not used to wear modest clothing normally? *basically you’re forcing religious duties on someone who’s not observing it at all, is it ok to use FORCE out of fear of punishment?
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    Am I sinful for having a dog islam
    I always wanted a dog since childhood but then I got to know it’s haram but it’s allowed to have a guard dog so I decided if one day I become successful enough to buy a house then I will have. A guard dog but recently there is a dog in my locality whom I feed and she roam around the locality am I sinful for anything as she is almost like a pet as she follows me around but I don’t allow her to enter our house and she also caught a thief in Ramzan so does she becomes a guard dog? Also the
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    Why do I keep dreaming about people who are still available? islam
    Assalamualikum. Recently, I’ve been dreaming about some people dying who are still alive. Every time I go to sleep, I see someone die. In some cases, I couldn’t recognize the person who died in my dream. Why do I keep dreaming about people dying? Is there any explanation for my dream in Islam, or is it just a random overthinking case? Can anyone explain? Thanks in advance.
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    Intrusive thoughts islam
    Assalamualaikum, I am a 21 years old practicing Muslim. I have been suffering from mental illness for last few months. During the time I have tried my best to get more closer to Allah (SWT). The problem is the more I am trying to be close to Allah, the more bad thoughts are coming to my mind about Allah. I often utter shirk words in my mind( which I don’t believe and totally unwanted) . Sometimes calling name Allah (SWT) in my mind( Astagfirullah, I can’t even think of that) but this thoughts
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    Официальный телеграм канал от Гама admin
    Актуальное, рабочее зеркало официального сайта Гама
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    Is it makrooh to listen to Qur'an while working? quran
    Assalamu alaikum, I’m doing a project right now and considerably new to Islam, I’m not sure if listening to Qur’an while working which is technically not paying full attention is looked down upon or haram? I ask this because I saw a hadith (or maybe a surah) that said to listen to the Qur’an intently and quietly, so that you may be rewarded. I’m confused, any help?
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    Элеткродвигатели admin
    Повысьте эффективность своего производства с помощью наших преобразователей частоты! Наши инновационные устройства позволят вам значительно снизить расходы на электроэнергию, увеличить производительность оборудования и снизить износ механизмов. Благодаря нашим преобразователям частоты вы сможете значительно увеличить производственные мощности и улучшить качество выпускаемой продукции - купить преобразователь частоты.
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    what do you do if you break a halaf islam
    i swore by allah not to commit a certain sin again but i returned to that sin a few times, what do i do now is there a kafara. I believe I will never return to that sin from now on, so what should i do now?
  25. 1
    Виды щебня admin
    Хотите создать идеальное покрытие для вашего участка или дорожного покрытия? Тогда щебень фракции 5-40 идеально подойдет для вас! Наш высококачественный щебень обеспечит прочность, долговечность и надежность вашего покрытия. Благодаря правильной фракции 5-40 мм, он обладает отличной укладываемостью и прекрасно дренирует воду, что делает его идеальным выбором для любых работ - щебень 20 40.

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