Serving College Media Since 1954

CMA serves thousands of students and advisers at two annual conventions. A national volunteer network of advisers, working with CMA’s associate executive director, coordinates hundreds of educational sessions.

Upcoming Events

  • Fall National College Media Convention

    Oct. 29- Nov. 3, 2024 Sponsored by Associated Collegiate Press and College Media Association, the nation’s largest gathering of college journalists and advisers meets at Sheraton New Orleans for four days of sessions, speakers, critiques and contests. We hope to see you down in the Big Easy.

  • Hot College Media Summer

    Join us for virtual summer learning, from podcasting to policies! Learn more at

  • NYC2024

    New York Marriott Marquis March 13-16, 2024 CMA’s next college media convention happens in the heart of Manhattan – the media capital of the world. Meet reporters, editors, broadcasters, podcasters, digital marketers, nonprofit content producers, public relations managers, and many other media pros whose jobs you don’t even know exist. Yet. NYC24 is all about…