Lucas Benitez, CIW: "It hurts to think about how their families have yet to learn about this, that their loved ones cannot come home to their country and hug their children, their spouses, their parents."

At 6:30 in the morning of Tuesday, May 14, an oncoming pick-up truck veered out of its lane on a two-lane stretch of State Road 40 near the central Florida town of Ocala and sideswiped a bus full of farmworkers heading to the fields to harvest watermelons. The collision caused the bus to swerve off the narrow road and lose control, careening first into a tree before flipping and rolling to a stop in a nearby field.  The driver of the pick-up truck survived the accident and was arrested, charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and eight counts of manslaughter.  

Eight farmworkers were killed, and over 40 more were injured in this tragic accident. 

Our hearts go out to the workers and their families in this devastating time. The watermelon industry is especially close to the heart of the Immokalee community, and of the CIW in particular.  Many of the CIW staff and longtime members worked in the industry for decades, many have driven on State Road 40 and worked the fields around Ocala and Gainesville where the accident occurred for years.  The news of the workers' death hit close to home. 

We mourn the loss of those killed:

Manuel Pérez Ríos, 46;

Evarado Ventura Hernández, 30;

Cristian Salazar Villeda, 24;

Alfredo Tovar Sánchez, 20;

Isaías Miranda Pascal, 21;

José Heriberto Fraga Acosta, 27;

As well as two other farmworkers who have yet to be publicly identified.

According to the most recent federal data, vehicle collisions were among the leading cause of job-related deaths among farmworkers involved in harvesting, 

That’s why, when we launched the Fair Food Program in the Florida tomato industry in 2010, we made sure that transportation safety provisions are strictly enforced, including empowering workers to complain if they feel the driver might be driving unsafely or had other reasons to fear that they were not adequately protected.  While those provisions may not have prevented last week's accident, they are saving lives on Fair Food Program farms.

By contrast, the watermelon industry remains outside of the Fair Food Program’s protections. 

In addition to last week's horrific accident involving watermelon harvesters, a case of modern-day slavery emerged involving watermelon workers just two years ago.  Hundreds of workers and their consumer allies marched 50 miles from Pahokee, where the workers in that case were housed, to Palm Beach last year to demand an end to forced labor and other abuses in the agricultural industry.

Accidents like these remind us that it is time for retailers who buy melons to demand that their suppliers bring their operations into the 21st century of basic safety compliance, and to ensure farmworkers' safety in the fields and while being transported. 

Below you can find excerpts from news coverage of the crash. Please join us not only in mourning, but in the broader call to empower farmworkers through the expansion of the Fair Food Program so that they can live and work safely and with dignity.


Workers call for watermelon farmer protections following deadly bus crash

Watermelon farms aren’t in CIW’s fair food program - which means they do not have program protection for things like safe transportation.

MMOKALEE, Fla. — Silvia Perez rode a bus very similar to the one involved in Tuesday's deadly crash when she worked in tomato fields.

Now at the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, she helps others working in the field.

"Vemos que nosotros tenemos mucho trabajo todavía por por delante para que esas industrias pequeñas van a ser parte del programa, pero por ahorita no están fuera del programa, están desprotegidos"// "We see that we still have a lot of work ahead of us so that these small industries are going to be part of the program, but for now they are outside the program. They are unprotected," Perez tells FOX 4.

By smaller industries, she means watermelon farms.

That’s where the people on the bus in Marion County worked.

But watermelon farms aren’t in CIW’s fair food program, which means they do not have the protection for things like safe transportation.

“Esas compañías tienen esa responsabilidad de tener el transporte seguro" // "Companies have that responsibility to have safe transportation,” she tells FOX 4.

The coalition says they are providing support to everyone impacted by the crash, and tell FOX 4 they want watermelon farms to have safer conditions….




The making of Esperanza, a 15 foot animated puppet championing the hopes of farmworkers

May 6, 2024

It has been nearly two months since the debut of Esperanza – a 15 foot animated farmworker puppet, who as her name reveals, embodies the hopes of farmworkers for dignity and freedom in the fields. Her first major public appearance came at the first-ever Farmworker Freedom Festival in Palm Beach, FL, which culminated in a powerful ceremony designed to bring the Fair Food Nation’s message of hope home to Wendy’s Board Chair Nelson Peltz.  Farmworkers, their families and their allies gathered in a gorgeous park across the street from Peltz’s beachside mansion, where they shared, framed by giant banyan trees, the […]

“Food, Inc. 2”, featuring the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, is officially out in theaters and on streaming platforms!

April 22, 2024

Gerardo Reyes Chavez, farmworker and senior staff member of the CIW, speaking on a panel at the DC screening of “Food, Inc. 2:” “Workers in other parts of the US and the globe today want to replicate the protections we have created for workers in the fields in their own realities…. The time for Worker-driven Social Responsibility has come.” Senator Cory Booker on Mr. Chavez and the CIW:“Sincerely, I was floored and blown away by what this man has accomplished with others in organizing both here in the United States and across the world, giving people not just dignity and fair […]

Fair Food Program, Worker-driven Social Responsibility hailed in new analysis of DOL study on worker voice

April 15, 2024

Thea Lee, Department of Labor’s deputy undersecretary for international affairs on the original Department of Labor report: “We commissioned the report,” she said, “precisely because there are so many versions of inadequate worker voice or social audits or corporate-driven compliance programs. We really wanted to have a well-researched, well-articulated framework with clear examples that would be of real value to corporations, to government, to unions and to organizers who are trying to create something better for workers.” Lee on the CIW: “The Coalition was really able to make something out of nothing. They were able to leverage the power of the […]

MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving gives $2 million to fuel expansion of Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program

April 5, 2024

Lupe Gonzalo, farmworker and CIW staff member: “Continuing to expand is quite urgent. It’s quite important because only this path of the Fair Food Program has made a difference for thousands of workers.”  A few days ago, we announced a partnership with Spanish farmworkers to explore building the first-ever Worker-driven Social Responsibility program in the EU.  Today we have another exciting piece of news to share: MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving has announced that the Fair Food Standards Council (FFSC) – the third-party monitoring organization responsible for enforcing the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program (FFP)  – will receive a grant […]

New US Dept of Labor Report: Worker-driven Social Responsibility gives critical voice to workers, deepens democracy

April 2, 2024

US Dept of Labor Report: “The FFP has raised compensation, reduced health and safety risks, and eliminated forced labor, child labor, and gender-based violence for approximately 30,000 workers at 20 employers supplying 14 retail, fast-food, and food-service companies.” “When authentic worker voice exists, workers participate in collective efforts to… identify problems, propose solutions, negotiate agreements, and hold parties accountable – democracy in action, at work.” A newly released report from the US Department of Labor compiles countless case studies from around the world to conclude that enhancing workers’ voices promotes more robust communities, and safer, more equitable, more democratic workplaces. More tangibly, the […]

Breaking: CIW to join with Spanish farmworkers in exploration of Worker-driven Social Responsibility in Spanish Produce Industry

March 29, 2024

Lucas Benitez, CIW co-founder: “As workers ourselves – the men and women who built this new model and experienced this remarkable change – we are excited to continue the dialogue with workers around the globe about how they can transform their industries in similar ways through implementing WSR programs.” Rafaela Rodriguez, Worker-driven Social Responsibility Network (WSRN): “When worker organizations lead the creation, design and implementation of solutions, the results are truly transformative…” There is a human rights revolution underway across the world, and it all started right here in the tomato fields of Immokalee. Facing abusive crewleaders and a pervasive climate of […]

“Food, Inc. 2,” the major new documentary featuring the CIW and the Fair Food Program, is coming to a city near you! 

March 27, 2024
Food, Inc. 2 April 9 screenings

The much-anticipated sequel to the Oscar-nominated 2008 documentary “Food, Inc.” will hold a nationwide “sneak preview” at 100 theaters across the US on April 9th, ahead of its national theatrical and digital release on April 12 ! Click on this link to see which theaters near you are screening “Food, Inc. 2” on April 9! Major cities hosting screenings include: New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Miami, Chicago, and more! The film will then be available on major streaming platforms, including Amazon Prime, starting April 12.   In the works for several years after the Oscar-nominated documentary “Food, Inc.” shook consumers and […]

Civil Eats: the Fair Food Program offers the strongest, legally-binding protocols to protect workers when politicians fall short

March 22, 2024

Gerardo Reyes Chávez, CIW, in Civil Eats: “[Farmworkers in the FFP] don’t feel pressure to keep working under conditions that are placing their lives and their health at risk. And that’s fundamentally different from what happens outside of the program.” Civil Eats: “This model pioneered by FFP, known as Worker-Driven Social Responsibility, has been adopted by other industries long plagued by abuse. It inspired Bangladesh’s garment industry to form a similar partnership between brands and trade unions, protecting over 2 million factory workers with a legally binding accord.” As the US gears up for another scorching summer harvest season, experts and […]

Media round-up of the Farmworker Freedom Festival’s Day 3 Pilgrimage of Hope

March 19, 2024

Lupe Gonzalo, CIW: “We wanted as workers to leave the place where we live and the place where we work, and come here to the place Nelson Peltz lives, to show him our faces as humans, and invite him to be part of this program.” Fast Company, on the Pilgrimage and Esperanza: “The puppet served as a physical embodiment of the sentiment that farmworkers like Nely Rodriguez wanted to capture through the Farmworker Freedom Festival, a three-day event put on by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), an organization that advocates for the rights of farmworkers. “We wanted to make her […]

Day 3 of the Farmworker Freedom Festival in Palm Beach: Hope comes home…

March 13, 2024

Check out the must-see video from Day 3! CIW’s Nely Rodriguez (VIDEO): “The bandana doesn’t only represent protection, but for many women it also represents sexual harassment, abuse, and violence, and those same bandanas hold for many of us our tears and suffering… And with these bandanas, we are creating a circle of hope.” Sunday, March 10th, saw the culmination of the 3-day Farmworker Freedom Festival in Palm Beach with a powerful ceremony designed to bring the Fair Food Nation’s message of hope home to Wendy’s Board Chair Nelson Peltz.  Farmworkers, their families and their allies gathered in a gorgeous […]