KB5034441 Update error 0x80070643

KB5034441 error

On many Windows 10 systems, the update KB5034441 (Windows Recovery Environment update for Windows 10 21H2 and 22H2) failed with the error code 0x80070643. 0x80070643 (“ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE”) is a generic error code which means “Fatal error during installation.” The DISM log may show the following entries: [16088] ImageUnmarshallHandle: Reconstituting wim at C:\$WinREAgent\Scratch\update.wim. [15624] Received unmount request … Read more

Fix for Windows Update Error 0x800F0922 in Windows 10/11

quality update 0x800f0922

When installing an update, especially a Cumulative Update or .NET Framework package in your Windows 10 or 11 computer, the update installation may fail with an error code 0x800F0922 (“CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED“) or 0xc1900104 or the error message “Something didn’t go as planned”.Read more

[Fix] VCLibs UWPDesktop 14.0.33728.0 x64 “Bad Image” Error

vclibs uwpdesktop 33728 bad image

Summary: In this article, we’ll learn how to repair the VCLibs UWPDesktop 14.0.33728.0 x64 modules. The procedure is similar to the VCLibs x64 14.0.33519.0 “Bad Image” error fix we saw in an earlier article.

When you launch Notepad, Store, Paint, Photos, or any other Store app on a Windows 11 system, the “Bad Image” error may occur.Read more

How to Refresh Thumbnails of Folder Shortcuts (.lnk)

folder shortcut thumbnails not refreshing

When you create a desktop shortcut to a folder, the folder shortcut thumbnail icon reflects what was in the folder it points to at creation. Later, when you add or remove files to the target folder, the folder thumbnails get updated dynamically, but the folder shortcut thumbnails remain the same. Even pressing F5 does not refresh the folder shortcut thumbs.

As you may have known, you can refresh the folder shortcut thumbnails by clearing and rebuilding the thumbnail cache. But here’s a simpler script solution to refresh the folder shortcut thumbnails without rebuilding the thumbnails cache.Read more

Metadata staging failed with Error 0x80070490 – DeviceSetupManager 131

devicesetupmanager event id 131 - staging failed

If you open the Event Viewer, the Microsoft-Windows-DeviceSetupManager/Admin event log may have hundreds of DeviceSetupManager (Event ID: 131) entries. The entries contain the following data: Metadata staging failed, result=0x80070490 for container ‘{GUID}’ (or) Metadata staging failed, result=0x800704D9 for container ‘{GUID}’ The above events are generated by the Device Setup Manager (DsmSvc) service, which enables the … Read more

Fix: Wireless Display Optional Feature Fails to Install

optional features - metered connection

Wireless Display is a feature-on-demand (FOD) package that adds the Connect application. This application allows other devices to wirelessly project to this computer and requires Miracast-capable hardware.

When you install the Wireless Display FOD package via Optional Features in Settings, it may not install successfully. Some of the common errors you may encounter are 0x80070490 and 0x800f0950.

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